Colour Chaos: Unleashing the Power of AI to Craft a Vibrant Recognition Game 🤖

2 min readApr 23, 2023


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, and web development is no exception. In this article, I will share my experience of creating a Color Match Game using AI to guide the development process. The game is a simple, fun, and engaging way to test your color recognition skills. Let’s dive into the process and see how AI helped bring this idea to life!

The Idea 💡:

The Color Match Game is a straightforward concept: players are presented with a color name and a set of colored buttons. The objective is to click on the button that matches the color name. As the game progresses, the speed increases, and players are challenged to keep up. To make things interesting, players have a limited number of lives. High scores are saved, allowing players to compete against themselves or others.

The AI Assistant 🤖:

To create this game, I used OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model, an AI that can generate human-like text based on the input it receives. It was a valuable tool in providing guidance and code snippets throughout the development process.

Step-by-Step Development 🧑‍💻:

  1. Defining the game structure: The first step was to outline the game’s structure, including the user interface and game logic. With the help of the AI, I created an HTML file that included the game’s splash screen, main game area, and end screen. CSS was used to style the interface, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.
  2. Creating the game logic: Next, the AI helped generate JavaScript code for the game’s core functionality. This included creating color buttons, generating random colors, shuffling the button positions, and handling the game’s score and lives.
  3. Refining the user experience: With the game logic in place, the AI provided suggestions to improve the user experience, such as adding instructions on how to play and adjusting the game’s difficulty as the player progresses.
  4. Finalizing the game: Once the game was fully functional, the AI guided me through the process of deploying the game to GitLab Pages, making it publicly accessible for anyone to play.

Conclusion 💁‍♂️:

The Color Match Game is an example of how AI can be a powerful tool in the web development process. By using AI, I was able to streamline the development process, create a functional and engaging game, and deploy it for others to enjoy. This project demonstrates the potential for AI to revolutionize web development and inspire new, creative ideas in the future. Give the Color Match Game a try and see for yourself the power of AI in action!

You can play the game here 👉 ColorChaos




Designer, UI/UX specialist, coder, AI enthusiast, and skilled footballer. Join me on my journey of combining technology, creativity, and athleticism.